June 27, 2023

What Is Aerial Yoga? A Beginner’s Guide On Aerial Yoga

Vishal Talati
Founder - Wellness Coach, Sr. SUJOK Therapist

In today's hectic world, yoga, an age-old practise of meditation, has become increasingly common. Many people find relief from their busy and stressful lives through yoga. This is true whether you're in an Indian ashram, New York City, or even your bedroom practising downward dog on a mat.

But you don't have to be glued to the mat for your yoga practise. Aerial yoga, which mixes traditional yoga poses with the art of aerial acrobatics, involves lifting body parts partially or completely off the ground with the help of a silk hammock or yoga swing. This anti-gravity exercise decompresses the spine, stretches the body, and attempts to overcome gravity. The silk hammock can be used in aerial yoga positions to support the complete body or just a specific limb, leaving the rest of the body in other poses in contact with the ground. You might experience a fresh sensation of freedom, serenity, and creativity as you move through yoga positions while suspended from the ceiling and covered in silks.

Tips For Beginners :

If you are a beginner to aerial yoga, you can expect an exhilarative and transforming experience, a perfect way to destress yourself.

Improved flexibility, increased balance, decompression of the spine and joints, weight loss, improved mental health, and even a lower chance of heart disease are just a few of the health advantages of aerial exercise. Inversion therapy, which involves hanging upside-down while performing certain aerial yoga postures, has been shown via research to lengthen the spine and ease chronic back pain.

Trust The Sling : The sling can support up to a couple thousand pounds, so this is a body-inclusive technique. You can practise aerial yoga regardless of your physical characteristics. Thus, don't doubt yourself and trust the sling.

Wear The Right Outfit : It is important to wear the right fit for your aerial yoga sessions. A few tips to keep in mind, while choosing your outfit are :

  • Wearing tight yoga trousers or leggings rather than baggy clothing for an aerial yoga practise, is highly recommended.
  • If you have sensitive skin, you should wear a sports bra and a fitted workout shirt that covers your underarms because the slings can occasionally chafe.
  • Carry a tank top and bring a long sleeve shirt with you to wear for some of the routines

Don’t Eat A Big Meal Before Your Sessions : Avoid having a substantial meal at least an hour before class. Although, a little snack like a banana should be acceptable before class if you don't want to enter the class with low blood sugar.

Remove Your Jewellery Before Sessions : It is advisable to not practice aerial yoga wearing jewellery because it can easily snag in the slings.

Make Sure To Keep Yourself Relaxed : The more difficult manoeuvres might be scary, and you might get caught up in your own thoughts. It’s important to relax and trust yourself, go at your own pace while breathing during the positions.

Ask For Help : You shouldn't be scared to ask the instructor for assistance if you need assistance handling the sling or you're uncomfortable in a posture. They want you to have fun in class since that is what they are there for.

When Necessary, Modify A Movement : There are several ways to make aerial yoga lessons accessible to everyone, even though some movements may seem challenging. Have an open channel of communication with your instructor and enter the class with an open mind.

Listen To Your Body : Aerial yoga can be a strenuous exercise, so it's crucial to pay attention to your body and only do what is suitable for you. Ask your instructor for changes or take a break if necessary if a position feels too difficult.

Safety Should Always Come First In Aerial Yoga: Please pay attention to your instructor's directions and exercise caution when getting in and out of the hammock. Before beginning aerial yoga, check with your doctor if you have any health issues or injuries.

Appreciate The Advantages : The various advantages of aerial yoga include improved strength, flexibility, and relaxation. It may also be an interesting and enjoyable method to test your limits and try something new.

Some Aerial Yoga Poses You Can Practice :

While certain aerial yoga postures just slightly depend on the hammock for balance, others call for you to put all your weight on the sling. You can learn the fundamental wraps and positions in an introductory or beginner's session.

  • Vrksasana, often known as the tree pose, is a great posture for people with tight hips and anyone who struggles to externally rotate their hips. The sling supports your body, making this posture variant more restorative.
  • Matsyasana, also known as the supported fish pose, is a terrific option for people of all abilities because it opens the chest and promotes spinal mobility.
  • Ardha Kapotasana (half pigeon pose): Your bent leg is on the ground, while your lengthened leg is in a sling in the. This position aids in hip flexor opening.
  • Supta Konasana, or also called as reclined angle pose/inverted star pose, is extremely difficult but it can be done.