Sarvam Packages

Weight Loss Package

Our weight loss program at Sarvam is designed to help you lead a better life by achieving your ideal weight goal. With a professional approach, our dedicated team of experts will guide you towards a healthier lifestyle. Through a combination of personalized holistic approach and tailored exercise routines, we will assist you in shedding those unwanted inches.

Our program emphasizes the importance of maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet, while also incorporating regular physical activity. By joining our weight loss program, you can also reduce risk of cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. It boosts self-confidence & esteem.

Weight Gain Program

Sarvam is keen in providing high-calorie foods that are packed with healthy fats and essential nutrients. Sarvam emphasizes on helping individuals maintain a balanced diet and meet their calorie intake goals while still prioritizing their health. Our professional team understands the importance of maintaining a balanced diet while meeting your calorie requirements.

We ensure that the fats used in our food are of the highest quality, promoting overall well-being and supporting a healthy lifestyle. Trust Sarvam to provide you with a professional and efficient service, helping you to meet your nutritional needs without compromising on taste.

Anger Management Program

Sarvam’s anger management program helps you to become intensely aware of the distinction between the external and internal worlds and enhances your ability to control your inner responses. It also helps you develop better communication skills and self-understanding, as well as improve your physical health.

Stress Management Program

In simple language, stress can be considered as the state where a person is not into his/her Present. They are either driven by their Past hurts or guilt or Future insecurities. We at Sarvam, focus on ways through which our clients can overcome their stress by making them self-aware and increasing their ability to be more at their present. 

We focus on – 
What is stress?
How do we experience it?
In what ways can it be overcome?

Sarvam Wellness Program

We provide a customized wellness program for our clients with one or more illnesses like coronary heart disease, asthma, sinuses, high BP, cholesterol, high uric acid, stones in kidney & gallbladder, involved where we address not only symptomatic relief, but go to the deeper level of root cause. Treatments may vary based on the individuals body type & receptiveness.

Posture Alignment Program

Posture is the reflection of the mental state of an individual thus it is the first impression everyone gets of them. At Sarvam, we help you become aware of your current posture & align it, which also increases breathing capacity. We also help in back pains, spinal dysfunction, joint degeneration, rounded shoulders duo to wrong spinal posture.

The Art of Parenting & Pregnancy

Pregnancy happens when a body is ready for the birth of a new soul. Sarvam provides complete step-by-step guidance for preparing a body and parent too. Through complete detoxification of the body, and by focusing on Nutrition, Self-awareness & Garbh-Samvaad, we are preparing the body and the parent in a balanced way.

A Mind Management Program

We believe that everything begins with perceptions which help to create life experiences, ultimately leading to thoughts, and these thoughts act as the guiding force in all things. Here at Sarvam, our goal is to align our clients’ thoughts, words, and actions in order to manifest reality. We also work on empowering beliefs to help them live a balanced life.

Metabolic & GI Health

As we all know our gut is our 2nd brain thus it also serves a communication center and disease fighter. It control our immune system and helping to digest and absorb certain minerals and vitamins. Here at Sarvam we help you to boost our clients metabolism as well, which help you with more energy, aid in weight loss, and help you experience quality sleep while burning more calories at bedtime.

Introspective Skill Development Program

Without self-development to live in the state of self motivation is next to impossible thus at Sarvam we help our clients step by step guidance to looking inward through different techniques which help them to constantly observe their own progress to become the best version of them selves. It will gain a greater sense of self-better relationships and stronger decision making skills.

Guided Meditation Program

At Sarvam, we offer guided meditation sessions to aid in healing illnesses, improving concentration, aligning chakras, increasing the capacity to breathe deeply, and improving consistent sleep quality. It also boosts one’s self awareness, enhances creativity, enhances patience and tolerance, and increases one’s level of self awareness.

Food & Lifestyle Awareness Program

Our goal at Sarvam is to prevent or manage diseases based on lifestyle & food habits. As high blood pressure, diabetes type 2, insulin resistance, acidity, headaches, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), uric acid, kidney stones, and gallbladder stones, etc are lifestyle related problems only. So here we will help you how to inculcate healthy lifestyle & food habits in your routine to achieve your health goal.

1-Day Wellness Program (Blissful Break: A Day of Self-care)

This serene retreat offers a beautiful day journey filled with tranquility and self-reflection. A haven for those seeking solace, it allows you to escape the chaos of everyday life and reconnect with yourself. The lush surroundings and peaceful ambiance provide the perfect setting for introspection and personal growth.

With a professional approach, the retreat offers various activities and sessions designed to enhance your well-being and foster self-discovery. Immerse yourself in this rejuvenating experience and embark on a transformative journey towards self-awareness and inner peace. Retreat yourself with delicious drinks and beverages.