July 11, 2024

Food & Obesity: Deciphering the Right Balance

Ever questioned yourself - is obesity an overnight condition? No.! it issimply the unfair food habits we have been adopting which gradually leads ustowards Obesity.  In today’s fast-pacedworld we are just surrounded with packet and processed foods. Upon this,sedentary lifestyle has been an add-on contributing to those extra inches.!Often people who manage to reduce their weight for a time being, tends toregain and get back to their extra size. What can be the reason? Ever thought!
We are in the habit ofeating anything at any time, and we associate eating food with specialoccasions. Like, feeling happy? Let’s go for a coffee.!. Bored after a longworking day? Dive into desserts! However, with the right knowledge andmindfulness, we can make a positive shift towards a healthier and moresustainable lifestyle.

Sarvam will be your mentor in making you mindful& make right food choices. Here, we will create a space for you to understand the difference between the need and want of your body. Gradually, this will help you in getting into a sustainable weight which will reverse the condition of being an obese.

Tips to Remember –

 Awareness– Be aware about thebasic difference of your urge to eat. Whether you are actually hungry or justcraving for something.

Clarity- Have clear intentionabout what you are eating.

Willingness– This rises from clarity, this is the energy thatwill transform in inspiration, determination &self-motivation.

Thus, these altogether would help you get in-line with your food habits and get into a sustainable healthy lifestyle.