August 6, 2024

Yes, inherited behaviour can also be changed.! – Procrastination & Impulsivity

“I could do that, but right now, I feel like doing something else.” 

Are you someone who is into a habit of impulsively procrastinating things? Want to change yourself, but cannot? Let’s first understand that inherited behaviours, often shaped by a combination of genetics and early environment, can feel like an unchangeable part of who we are. Traits like Procrastination and Impulsivity, often passed down through generations, may seem particularly stubborn. However, emerging research and personal development strategies show that even these deep-seated tendencies can be modified. 

Here's how you can take control of procrastination and impulsivity-

  1. Awareness and Mindfulness – Becoming aware of a trait is the foremost thing one should do. Practice mindfulness to observe your habits and triggers without judgment. Journaling can also help in tracking patterns and understanding the underlying causes of procrastination and impulsivity.
  2. Develop self-regulation skills - Self-regulation involves managing your emotions and behaviours to achieve long-term goals. Implementing structured routine can enhance self-control. For example, develop your own rule like ‘The 10-minute rule’ to not postpone an action OR to wait 10 minutes before taking an impulsive decision to keep yourself guilt-free. 
  3. Set clear goals & priorities - Prioritize tasks based on importance and urgency. Using tools like to-do lists and planners can help you stay organized and focused. This will help you keep yourself stress-free & improve your productivity. 
  4. Introduce reward rule - Reward yourself for achieving milestones and completing tasks. Positive reinforcement can motivate you to continue making progress. Ensure that the rewards are healthy and do not trigger further impulsive behaviour. 
  5. Practice self-companionship - Be kind to yourself when you slip up. Understand that changing inherited behaviours is a gradual process. Celebrate small victories and learn from setbacks without being overly critical. Give yourself time while on bed at night to recall your decisions and choices you made the entire day. 

Embrace the journey of self-improvement, and remember that change is not only possible but also within your control. Be Consistent.! Because, it is the KEY.