How PNST Treatment and Sujok Acupuncture helped Harsha Patel.


Harsha Patel,, 54 Years

- Ahmedabad


Harsha Patel suffered from acute pain in left Sciatica and numbness in both feet. She couldn’t stand for too long without support.

Post assessment it was found that she had lot of issues with balance and was not able to express her feelings freely.


We started with PNST and Sujok acupuncture treatments for 3 months along with Introspective sessions so that she can become aware of her own feelings.

Slowly as the sessions progressed, she started to feel more energetic and cooked food for her family while standing for a long amount of time.


Pain was completely gone by completion of 20 sessions, and she started living a healthy and normal life.

Client review
Sessions with Vishal were just amazing. I feel blessed that now I am not dependant on anyone, I’m able to cook food, walk and do all my daily activity effortlessly. I am now aware about my feelings with the help of compartmentation that Vishal taught me and express it with good words.

If you, like Harsha Patel, feel you may benefit from Prickling Neuro Stimulation Technique (PNST) and Guided Meditation , please contact us.

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