How PNST Treatment and Guided Meditation helped Bhavini Patel.


Bhavini Patel, 50 Years

- London


Bhavini Patel dealt with unbearable and unpredictable headaches. Irregular and extreme headaches hindered her everyday work and routine. After a detailed assessment and examination, it was found out that these headaches were caused due to high level of stress.


We started with PNST treatment thrice a week for Bhavini and along with those Introspective sessions were added to help her navigate through her personality and reduce stress.

Guided meditation was incorporated in her treatment to experience peace and have a clearer headspace so that they can manage their work efficiently.


After getting treated for about a week, the client started noticing visible changes. The intensity and frequency of the headaches started reducing and she felt relaxed.

Upon completion of her 15 sessions, Bhavini recovered completely. The headaches disappeared and she started living a pain-free, comfortable life.

Client review
I am very happy and impress with Vishal’s treatments over zoom. He pushes me a lot with gentle reminders of performing suggested Activities on daily basis. I am completely free from my headaches and with the help of guided mediations I can manage life more efficiently.

If you, like Bhavini, feel you may benefit from Prickling Neuro Stimulation Technique (PNST) and Guided Meditation , please contact us.

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